Know The Caravan
They take care of planning, research, and transportation. It's the Explorers' job to plan the itinerary and spearhead the awesomeness!
Where to stay? The Non-mads take care of that. Best places to stay in the trip budget. They are non-mads because they are not nomads. Sorry :P
Food & Travel go together. The Foodies lookout for the best places to eat. Get your food journal before the trip from the Foodies. Food for all the taste buds.
Reach out to them to know the best shopping districts in the unexplored town. Get your shopping journal before the trip.
The Entertainers plan out the trip activities. They keep you engaged. They look out for hidden talent in the group.
The Bookies take care of all the bookings. Every receipt is made public to the group members. 100% transparency. No fixing!
Great photos, our travel show, Facebook, Instagram, and everywhere. They just got to flaunt!